Monday, December 30, 2013


Finger power:
18: finger 3 curve black key.
19: 手腕放松提起,触键要快, 弹完要放松。make sure the position. Start at tempo 40.

Sight reading : quiz. Next week level 3.

Farewell: 节奏不稳。第四行不要抢拍子。声音的层次感,从第二行起,p-mf-f, 开始要轻。第三行,渐强要多,多用手臂的力量,少些手指的敲击。结尾的chord要放松,不要太重。
第一句渐弱太早。第二行起右手triplet作为background, 轻些。
结尾刮音,6-1-3-6 a minor chord练习,掌握把位。
第一句introduction. Melody start from piano, step by step increase power. Repeat is the same, from soft.
突强的音要更加歌唱。漏音4指抓不住。分手弹60, 72, 80, 92, 100, 112, 120。
Final 152.

Second song with pedal. Third page 不要拖慢。左手do ti do la la , TP 10 times. 两手要整齐。

Monday, December 16, 2013


Duet: Augustin:tempo need stable.
Juanita: Jonathan to improve triplet. Top melody TP 10 times. Second page 不要渐弱太早。

Finger power:
18: chromatic tempo to 80, 100.

Sight reading 142, 137-144.

Theory review major key signature

Farewell: tone quality on high pitch.

Monday, December 9, 2013


Finger power
17: 手指要扣住键。

Duet: first note use finger 3 to make it more clear. LH first note more melody, don't press too hard.
Triplet both hand exactly same time.

Sight reading 127. 129-136

Farewell: 不要抢拍。RH melody on pinkie. 换pedal要干净。

Monday, December 2, 2013


Finger power: 

17: Try tempo 120.

Pinkie to thumb 7度变化 target practice。


Sight reading: 116.


Farewell: passion not enough. Crescendo, harmony 的变化 Target practice。with pedal LH need softer, slow tempo practice. Pedal only press half, otherwise too loud. Try reach tempo 100. 


Duet: Augustin. 5-1-1, thumb need softer. Ending chord softer. 

Juanita: ending LH melody need more. 

Monday, November 25, 2013


Finger power:
16: curve. Pass.
17: prepare thumb for crossing. Hit the key faster.

Sight reading: 108.


Farewell: piano part 不要刮音。不要忘了rest, 拍子要准,count 1-2-3. G# 是典型的a harmonic minor. 3-5-7-2 是a minor的5级dominant 7th.
开头的突强之前有两个accent做准备,第三次声音要拉宽, mi-re-mi-RE, 要做crescendo 会更好听。
Second part is C Major.

Duet: finger 4 rotate open elbow.
Juanita: 3rd page 左右手要整齐,LH target practice. Ending LH melody need emphasize. Listen to other player's.

Monday, November 18, 2013


Finger power
15: forte. 呼吸准备。
16: 慢速lift up finger 4,触键要快。

Theory : review test.

Sight reading: 101.

Duet: Augustin: 高音区声音要powerful,手臂要打开。多练习4指one and half 的节奏,声音要饱满。

Duet: Juanita: third page 不要变慢。从第一拍开始数123,123。left hand 不是main melody, 不要和右手混在一起。

Farewell: 4个音的chord, finger 2 missing. 渐弱太早。left hand melody make more clear, RH need softer. Second page a little retard, not too much. Line 3rd 渐强要拉宽. 结尾要准备好不急。chord top finger.

Monday, October 28, 2013


Finger power 15: finger 4 not clear enough. Review one more week.

Sight reading: 77, 81-88.

Duet: augustin
Ending no accent. First note open elbow, no accent. Second beat need softer, two notes slur down up motion.

Ending chord TP, 找准位置,pinkie 更清楚些。2-notes slur 语气,手腕要more relax。突强。右手triplet tone quality. LH chord emphasize top note, smoothly connected, hold finger 2 while change thumb, TP.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Finger power
14: curve finger.LH stiff, relax LH at 4th beat each measure.
15: 慢速手指提起,触键要快,之后马上放松手腕,这样下个音才有力气。

尾音softer. Accent的力度要够。大跨度要target practice, 弹准确。sfz 突强不要太压,力量要推出去。左手emphasize要louder. 呼吸,prepare for next paragraph。

Practice duet next week.

Beyer: crescendo 音乐的句子要再拉宽些,finger4多些。 pass.

Sight reading: singing out.

Monday, October 14, 2013


Finger power:
14: finger 3 抓住key. 上行双手一致,从左到右rotation, 从下往上。preview 15.

Sight reading.

Farewell: 分手,dynamics change. Finger tip need to curve. Chord open elbow.

Beyer 78: pinkie louder than thumb. C natural next measure. Tempo reach 72.

Monday, October 7, 2013


Jonathan Bach 13? Popular 4,6?

Finger power 14: 大臂要打开,放松。
Sight reading: competition?
theory : lesson 7.
Beyer 76: 表现力,句子头音softer. Accent 太硬,要更加歌唱一些。唱得要有表现力。

Minuet: 注意accent,open elbow will prevent accent. Ending 再典雅些,手腕不要太僵硬。Finger tip tight, other body part relax.

Monday, September 30, 2013


Finger power
13: finger curve. 下行RH thumb need softer.
14 slow tempo lift up each finger. No finger 4. Need separate hand.

Sight reading

Beyer 76: tempo stable. Pinkie need stronger, chord top melody 5 times. Dynamics change, 不要太平淡。target practice.

A little piece: 大跨度wrist need relax,力量滑动. Pass.

Minuet: use arm rotation. Tempo , elegant.

Monday, September 23, 2013

9/23/2013 Annabel Piano Monday 6:36pm

9/23/2013 Annabel Piano Monday 6:36pm

Finger Power. 6 minutes
12. 1-3, 2-4, 3-5 3rd finger need curve; passed
13. To show up melody, with weaker left hand pinkie and weak notes
Need improve wrist rotation to smoother melody for next week

Sight reading 4 minutes
40. Passed
41-48 next week

Beyer 4 minutes
75. Left hand louder to answer right hand melody
Last measure, left hand melody need to be controlled well
76 next week 3 minutes
Measure 10,
Melody on right hand only, left hand weaker

Minuet. 13 minutes
1st part, need dynamic and notes with confidence
Measure 8. Left hand need stronger
2nd part repeat do not lag with gap
Last measure, all 3 left hand notes need to be clear
Singing right hand play 1st note every 2 measures or more
Memorize: 1st part passed
Next week: continue memorize 2nd part as well
Little dance, elegant and beautiful

A little piece 8 minutes
Memorized, 3 melodies
Ending with Rita, Homonym: left hand and right hand
Measure 8
Wrist NO Over rotation
And to make long phrase to make music moved

Theory 5 minutes
Section 4, one mistake 4 level not 5 level lower, need correction
Test on half cadence, ophentic Passed
A major, and F major, b flat major etc. how many sharp and flat?
Homonic minor, raised 7 levels. Page 18
Next week: review

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Monday, September 16, 2013

9/16/2013 Annabel Piano Monday 6:35pm ~

9/16/2013 Annabel Piano Monday 6:35pm ~

Finger Power
12. Wrist rotation
Tempo 72: good
Tempo 92: 3rd finger curve need improve.
<- practice 92 for next week as well
13. Rotation étude
Repeated notes need to be soft
Thumb note need to be soft

Sight reading
29. Memorized
33~40: next week
Note: always singing out and count beats

Melody: right <-> left hands
Last measure, left hand 4th finger note to be softer, no accent

Melody lines: right hand and left hand: polyphonic (this minuet) & homophonic (sonatina for 2013 us music competition)
Strong weak weak
Thumb too strong on 20-21
Piano on 25
No C sharp on 30
5x left and right singing out
Final Tempo: 108
Memorize (left hand polyphonic)

A Little piece
Left hand Thumb need to be softer starting from 2nd line
Left hand: 2nd & 4th notes weak
Practice left hand singing out right hand melody
Right hand a
Left hand b 543 fingers
Left hand c all thumb notes

Primary chord: 1st level, 4th level, 5th level Dominator tonic
Play D major 2nd dominator. 1st chord f sharp forgot on the theory book
Double check on piano
Play F major primary chords
Next week: cadence
No 4. 3 Combination resuls and different with first 3 questions
Check (1) Key signature; (2) count up always, never count down

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Monday, September 9, 2013


Finger power:
11: top pinkie 2/3. New lesson 12. Three fingerings.

Sight reading: 22,25-32

Beyer 74: first note sweet, 要准备好,控制好音量。pass.

A little piece: fingering LH chord 1-4, not 1-3. Singing out, 头音尾音要轻。LH two voicing. Tempo reach 60-80.

Minuet: fingering. Relax 手腕,8度提前准备。measure 17, 衔接处elbow要打开。

Monday, September 2, 2013


Finger power 10: 重音处要放松手腕,curve finger 2.
Lesson 11: 手腕放松,拍皮球。pinkie louder than thumb, press harder on pinkie.

Sight reading : 14.

Theory : remember to double check, and play on piano.

Beyer 74: 大拇指太重。

Melody for the left hand: chord 的语气,渐弱。pass.

Funny event: pass.

Next week level two.

Monday, August 26, 2013


Finger power 9: pass. Lesson 10.

Sight reading: 9-16, dynamics change

Beyer 74: 双手对齐。LH wrist rotation. Chord thumb softer. Tempo 60. 分手练。

Scherzo: ending LH chord crescendo.
New lesson : melody for the left hand.

Theory : major third chord, minor third chord.

Funny event: Accent good. Softer part fourth note 抓住key, tiny motion, 指尖离key 要近。

Monday, August 19, 2013


Finger power 8: pass
9: count the beat.

Sight reading: start book 2. 1-7

Beyer 74: make long music phrase. Totally 6 phrase. Thumb softer at 2nd phrase ending. 4th ending thumb softer. 6th start thumb softer. Ending softer, chord top finger louder. Try 120. 分手triplet control softer.

The hunt: 注意呼吸。end phrase rotation 的动作,力量送到weak finger 4.

Minuet: Pass.

Monday, August 5, 2013


Finger power 6: finger 4 stable, press harder.
7: slow tempo lift up every finger, ESP. finger 4.

Sight reading: 136. 唱谱练音准。

Beyer 73: last phrase accent on finger 4 need emphasize. RH 双音第三个尾音softer, top finger more. Tempo 120.

Song without words: 注意句子的尾音和头音,要控制好。

Minuet: 距离感太多,black key play on the edge. Piano 太拘谨,mf 音不够亮,节奏感。

Monday, July 29, 2013

7-29-2013 Annabel Piano

7-29-2013 Annabel Piano

Finger Power
5. Mixed Interval Étude
- 4th finger need hit key faster to gain clear tone
- thumb need lift high too
Next week
6. Trill Acscending
- left hand thumb need lift high too, as well as right hand
- preview 7

Sight Reading
125. Shadow playing during preparation
Memorized, Pay attention on dynamic, passed
Next week: 129-136. 136 3-notes legato

F# and C# cannot miss # sign
5-note loop
# go up Cto G, G to D, D to A. Then E , B, F, C.
b go down 5-note

3rd sentence keep F for first 2 measures, to contrast P for next 2 measures
Tralo vs. violin
-next week: 73
E# same F
T.P. for 7th and 8th measures

- F to P in 3rd line, keep tempo stable
- and deep breather before starting 3rd line
- musical even for F notes
- forward to avoid stretching arm straight

Song without words
- singing out
- control thumb (on 2nd note)
- deep breath for every phrase (4 measures)
- tempo up to 120

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Monday, July 22, 2013

7/22/2013 Piano Annabel

7/22/2013 Piano Annabel
Theory correction and bring to class next week
Theory 6 pages

Finger Power
4. Contrary Motion
- 提起时,手肘要打开
- passed
5. Mixed Interval Étude
- 8 个音, do not break the notes

Sight Reading
120 checked memorized
121-128 next week: 2 notes legato 2nd note need to be much weaker

- 2nd sentence
- 4th finger right hand stronger in 3rd measure
- left wrist relax every 2 notes and don't hold high up
- 4th sentence, pinkie notes going for strong and clear in 2nd measure

Song without words
- Rita @ the end
- 16th measure, gradually softer
- sing out: 2 & 4 measure, 2nd note softer and so on for similar measures (total 4 measures)
- the first note no accent: singing first in the heart before playing
- tempo up to 92, 100, 112, 120. (80 right now)

Minuet @ page 10
Strong contrast on f @ measure 10 to p @ measure 14. -> Target practice
F wrist and arm
P finger
4th measure -> target practice

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Finger Power
3. Alternating Hands
- passed
4. Contrary Motion
- add up and down motions, wrists need move up to piano holding bar
- singing out (keep doing it)
- pay attention on left hands, 5 more times practice on left hands
separately (contrary direction to right hand)

Sight reading
112. Checked
- counting beats
- continuous note on right hands last 2nd and 3rd measures

Review test
Problem 1: only 12 notes, no more than those ( need correction)

66. Passed
Left hands: volume soft and balance (following) to right hand

Minute @ page 10
- last note in phrase need softer (4th measure)
- first note in next phrase on weak beat (last note in 4th measure)
- thumb in 3rd and 7th measures: more musical (and 3rd finger as well)
- sing out the music

Dance @ page 17
- left hand for last 3 measures
- passed

Song without words
Singing music

Breyer 72
3rd lines: left hand melody


*Finger Power Level Two
2. Étude in 6/8 Time Passed
3. Alternating Hands
1st note of every measure
- press hard for 1st section of finger, tone quality
Tempo to 120

*Sight Reading
92. Dynamic mf,f contracts
Singing out
100. Passed

66. Left hand softer, contracts from F to P
Separate hand practicing for hands balancing
At least 5 times for separate hands, left hand soft to right hands
Tempo 80 for next week. 240 for each note (triple-notes)

*Gavotte passed
Deep breath
Next week: minuet @ page 10

4 fingers, emphasis on 4th finger
Left hand on last two measures, no noise for 4th finger
4th finger needed to be clear on 5th and 6th measures
F and FF contracts

66 68 correction
Then Review test

Monday, June 17, 2013

Fwd: 6/17/2013 Piano

Subject: 6/17/2013 Piano

6/17/2013 Piano

Finger power level one
- 29. 身体不要后仰, 不要坐太后, 要前倾。左脚脚跟要踩实
-下周,level two #1
-- 慢速,练每个手指要提两个手指高

sight reading level 1
79 memorized
Next week: 81-88

Missing counts part, complete the rest
Remember 57 to 59, then do homework to 61

Beyer 63 passed
A->B , no wait to 2nd piano, continue to own beat
4th row 1st measure 1st is one beat not half beat
Next week: 64
Accent more singing, not over loud
Dolce, sweetly connected

Sonatina in C passed
Pinkie in 1st measure


Chord, 4th finger press down
Need target practice,
4th finger first; then 4&5; then 2&4&5; last 1&2&4&5

Monday, June 10, 2013


Finger power:
29: right hand finger 3 curve. Continue practice.

Sight reading 73-80

Theory 3 pages.

Beyer: 63
每句头音要press harder, 抓住key, 突出节奏感。tempo reach 138.

Gavotte: 表现力,dynamics change; 呼吸;A long phrase may contain several small phrases. 小句子处不要抬手。Try to make a long phrase, two notes slur 手不要提太高,要悄悄换气,以保持句子的连续。pass.

New lesson Page 7 sonatina.

Monday, May 13, 2013


Street games:
结尾刮音。target practice.

Finger power:
28: pass
29: 下行pinkie 歌唱些, open elbow,指尖力量多些。

Sight reading: 48, 49-56

Theory b flat minor.

Street games: 结尾要play really loud.

Susana: every day 10 times duet.

Monday, May 6, 2013


Finger power:
28: LH 手腕要提起,不要太僵硬。

Sight reading: 35, 41-48.

Street games: 身体的力量要打开。呼吸。tempo 80, 92, 100, 112, 120, 138, 152.

Beyer 62: 难点是远距离的手位,要有down - up motion.


Monday, April 29, 2013


Finger power:
28: 92-96-100. TP at cross over.

Sight reading: 32,33-40.

Street games: keep forte. 60,72,80. Two finger powerful, but make sure 不刮音。左手要单独背。

Beyer: 结尾八度不要jump, smoothly connected.

Susana: 切分音elbow open. 右手音量要保持住。

Monday, April 22, 2013


Finger power
28: open elbow. Eye 盯住拇指的position cross hand . 80,84,88,92,100.

Sight reading 17, 25-32

Theory : vii 减三和弦,不和弦,小三度+小三度。

Street games: 结尾要powerful, put two fingers. LH 触键要更快。单独LH,唱RH,tempo 40。

Susana: RH make long phrase, 不要跟左手staccato跑,变成一个一个的音。tempo reach 92.

The Harp: pass.

Monday, April 8, 2013


Finger power
27: forte. Pass. Elbow open.
28: each time elbow open raise, 触键要快。

Theory : play on piano.

Sight reading 7, 9-16

Harp: 声音的层次感。mf 指尖力量多些,touch the key deeply. Piano 手腕要relax.

Duet: susana.
Forte, elbow open, 动作要更舒展,结尾keep the power.

Monday, March 25, 2013


Finger power:
26: pass
27: keep f all the way. Pedal keep heel down. Open elbow.
28: preview: both hand pinkie separate practice.

Sight reading: 148, 149-152, review.

60: f LH keep the power. Curve finger for better tone quality. Pass.

Thompson 我喜欢节奏
切分音第一拍staccato use down up motion. Accent 更大胆些。

Minuet: 弹左手唱右手。mf too weak, 用上手臂力量,听tone quality.

Monday, March 18, 2013


Finger power:
26: practice one more week.
27: curve finger 3.

Sight reading 138, 145-152.

60: LH repeat melody, canon 结构。左手不要当作伴奏,左右手比例一样。

Minuet: LH 不是伴奏,比例各占一半。明显的repeat pattern 才是伴奏。 Poly-phonic, baroque contemporary 较多出现。classic romantic : 较多 homo-phonic, 一个melody.


Monday, March 11, 2013


Technique: finger not powerful.手型保持,不要爬下。提指,触键快,放松。多分手练。

Finger power:
26:pinkie should louder. One more week.

Beyer 59: LH softer, RH louder. Pass


Morning song: finger 4 too weak. Pass.

Monday, March 4, 2013


Finger power:
26:elbow shoulder 更舒展放松。右手chord要更rich. RH Pinkie 单独练习5遍,stand up against the wall, wrist relax 让它更有力量。piece 25 LH pinkie also practice.

Sight reading
125, 129-136

Beyer: 59
Melody 音量要更突出。tempo 180.

Dance: pass.

知更鸟: pass.

New lesson

Monday, February 25, 2013


> 2013-2-25
> Finger power
> 25: curve finger 3. Pass
> 26: 触键要快,分手练,右手chord要有力气。Reach 120.
> Sight reading
> 120. Singing out , count the beat, memorize. 123-128.
> Theory: minor lower the 3rd.
> Beyer 57: count beat. Pass.
> Dance: LH 5-4-2, not 5-4-3. Pay attention to quarter rest. Control thumb, soft. Target practice measure 3,4,7,8,9,10(LH). Start not too heavy. Ending slow down.
> 知更鸟:LH staccato play shortly; 2 notes slur 不要太沉重,second note should be softer. Thumb softer. Down up motion, up note softer.

Monday, February 4, 2013


Finger power
23: pass
25: LH need relax, 提起放松;下键要快。LH alone 5 times.

Sight reading 112, 113-120

Second part 呼吸,更厚实。

8th note, 指尖触键a little bit harder, 不要在琴上漂。TP练慢速中速。tempo 48, 69, 96. 结尾放慢。

Monday, January 28, 2013


Finger power:
23: RH curve finger 4. Sound stronger. Open elbow. Ending chord RH f4. 继续练习。
24: 脚后跟keep heel down. Pass.
25 new lesson.

Sight reading: 101, 105-112, 111 3-notes slur, 3rd beat softer.

Theory: CM, FM five finger pattern

56: RH pinkie softer. Ending rotation to end note, not jump; ending note softer. 中段both hand melody, LH need louder. Finger tip press harder. Pass.
New lesson

think: tempo, singing out first phrase melody, deep breath before playing.
bring stool to competition.

Toy: 呼吸。tempo 120. 音乐的进行感。very happy, 趣味性。second part 更富歌唱。

Borree. Ending 4 notes chord. Emphasize top note. Pinkie louder. Piano curve finger, tone quality will be better.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Finger power:
22: pinkie 力量送到指尖。
23: open elbow. Curve finger. Relax each measure.

This week Sunday 3pm practice. 2/3 second time.

Sight reading: 88, 89-96.

Beyer 55: pass.
This week 56.

Monday, January 7, 2013


Finger power:
21: 4th note softer, 提腕。
This week 22. Start from tempo 40.

Sight reading: 78, slow tempo. 81-88

Beyer: thumb too much accent. Control thumb. Phrase end need softer. 提腕呼吸,同时不出accent. Softer piano 手指不可松懈,仍要curve好。no pass.
