Monday, December 30, 2013


Finger power:
18: finger 3 curve black key.
19: 手腕放松提起,触键要快, 弹完要放松。make sure the position. Start at tempo 40.

Sight reading : quiz. Next week level 3.

Farewell: 节奏不稳。第四行不要抢拍子。声音的层次感,从第二行起,p-mf-f, 开始要轻。第三行,渐强要多,多用手臂的力量,少些手指的敲击。结尾的chord要放松,不要太重。
第一句渐弱太早。第二行起右手triplet作为background, 轻些。
结尾刮音,6-1-3-6 a minor chord练习,掌握把位。
第一句introduction. Melody start from piano, step by step increase power. Repeat is the same, from soft.
突强的音要更加歌唱。漏音4指抓不住。分手弹60, 72, 80, 92, 100, 112, 120。
Final 152.

Second song with pedal. Third page 不要拖慢。左手do ti do la la , TP 10 times. 两手要整齐。

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