Monday, July 22, 2013

7/22/2013 Piano Annabel

7/22/2013 Piano Annabel
Theory correction and bring to class next week
Theory 6 pages

Finger Power
4. Contrary Motion
- 提起时,手肘要打开
- passed
5. Mixed Interval Étude
- 8 个音, do not break the notes

Sight Reading
120 checked memorized
121-128 next week: 2 notes legato 2nd note need to be much weaker

- 2nd sentence
- 4th finger right hand stronger in 3rd measure
- left wrist relax every 2 notes and don't hold high up
- 4th sentence, pinkie notes going for strong and clear in 2nd measure

Song without words
- Rita @ the end
- 16th measure, gradually softer
- sing out: 2 & 4 measure, 2nd note softer and so on for similar measures (total 4 measures)
- the first note no accent: singing first in the heart before playing
- tempo up to 92, 100, 112, 120. (80 right now)

Minuet @ page 10
Strong contrast on f @ measure 10 to p @ measure 14. -> Target practice
F wrist and arm
P finger
4th measure -> target practice

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