Monday, July 29, 2013

7-29-2013 Annabel Piano

7-29-2013 Annabel Piano

Finger Power
5. Mixed Interval Étude
- 4th finger need hit key faster to gain clear tone
- thumb need lift high too
Next week
6. Trill Acscending
- left hand thumb need lift high too, as well as right hand
- preview 7

Sight Reading
125. Shadow playing during preparation
Memorized, Pay attention on dynamic, passed
Next week: 129-136. 136 3-notes legato

F# and C# cannot miss # sign
5-note loop
# go up Cto G, G to D, D to A. Then E , B, F, C.
b go down 5-note

3rd sentence keep F for first 2 measures, to contrast P for next 2 measures
Tralo vs. violin
-next week: 73
E# same F
T.P. for 7th and 8th measures

- F to P in 3rd line, keep tempo stable
- and deep breather before starting 3rd line
- musical even for F notes
- forward to avoid stretching arm straight

Song without words
- singing out
- control thumb (on 2nd note)
- deep breath for every phrase (4 measures)
- tempo up to 120

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Monday, July 22, 2013

7/22/2013 Piano Annabel

7/22/2013 Piano Annabel
Theory correction and bring to class next week
Theory 6 pages

Finger Power
4. Contrary Motion
- 提起时,手肘要打开
- passed
5. Mixed Interval Étude
- 8 个音, do not break the notes

Sight Reading
120 checked memorized
121-128 next week: 2 notes legato 2nd note need to be much weaker

- 2nd sentence
- 4th finger right hand stronger in 3rd measure
- left wrist relax every 2 notes and don't hold high up
- 4th sentence, pinkie notes going for strong and clear in 2nd measure

Song without words
- Rita @ the end
- 16th measure, gradually softer
- sing out: 2 & 4 measure, 2nd note softer and so on for similar measures (total 4 measures)
- the first note no accent: singing first in the heart before playing
- tempo up to 92, 100, 112, 120. (80 right now)

Minuet @ page 10
Strong contrast on f @ measure 10 to p @ measure 14. -> Target practice
F wrist and arm
P finger
4th measure -> target practice

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Finger Power
3. Alternating Hands
- passed
4. Contrary Motion
- add up and down motions, wrists need move up to piano holding bar
- singing out (keep doing it)
- pay attention on left hands, 5 more times practice on left hands
separately (contrary direction to right hand)

Sight reading
112. Checked
- counting beats
- continuous note on right hands last 2nd and 3rd measures

Review test
Problem 1: only 12 notes, no more than those ( need correction)

66. Passed
Left hands: volume soft and balance (following) to right hand

Minute @ page 10
- last note in phrase need softer (4th measure)
- first note in next phrase on weak beat (last note in 4th measure)
- thumb in 3rd and 7th measures: more musical (and 3rd finger as well)
- sing out the music

Dance @ page 17
- left hand for last 3 measures
- passed

Song without words
Singing music

Breyer 72
3rd lines: left hand melody


*Finger Power Level Two
2. Étude in 6/8 Time Passed
3. Alternating Hands
1st note of every measure
- press hard for 1st section of finger, tone quality
Tempo to 120

*Sight Reading
92. Dynamic mf,f contracts
Singing out
100. Passed

66. Left hand softer, contracts from F to P
Separate hand practicing for hands balancing
At least 5 times for separate hands, left hand soft to right hands
Tempo 80 for next week. 240 for each note (triple-notes)

*Gavotte passed
Deep breath
Next week: minuet @ page 10

4 fingers, emphasis on 4th finger
Left hand on last two measures, no noise for 4th finger
4th finger needed to be clear on 5th and 6th measures
F and FF contracts

66 68 correction
Then Review test