Monday, September 29, 2014


Finger power
19: curve finger 3. Reach 80. First three measures make sure.

Sight reading

Beyer 89: count beat, 3 beats per measure. Accent too much, 加强节奏感就够了。中段力量多些即可。

Russian Folk Song:
结尾crescendo more. Recording.


Monday, September 22, 2014


Finger power
18: emphasize first note only.
New lesson 19.

Sight reading

Beyer 88:

Russian folk song
三句尾音轻。结尾渐强幅度再大些,拉宽,左手也要有渐强。跳音手腕up. 4指抓住key.

March: measure 11-12, LH 要抓住key. 20-23 need target practice, melody LH reach mf. Slower tempo 练习。

Monday, September 15, 2014


Finger power
17: pass
18: 弹好听。

Sight reading: 29-32

Beyer: 88:
顿音要短促。不要每个音rotation. 一个measure 做一次rotation. 头音和尾音不要too loud. 顿音要亮,之后p thumb 马上轻下来。tempo 108

Russian Folk Song
Singing out 好些。结尾要gradually louder, 更好听,第一个跳音要短而轻,用up motion.

March: target practise everyday 20x. LH staccato. f use both finger 2&3 to add power. Ending melody on LH 多些。mp softer.

Monday, September 8, 2014


Finger power
16: rhythm emphasize 1st and 3rd beat.
17: finger 4 both hand weak. Curve finger 4. Practice hit finger 4 on table. 主动提指。

Theory: 2-1, reverse to 1-2, is a M2, so it is m7.

Sight reading 25-28

Beyer 87: no rush on last phrase. Count the beat in mind. Curve finger 3,4.

Musette: 换首歌。弹的要放松。

Song: second line, LH more, two melody. Forth line LH smoothly connected the four 双音。