Monday, April 28, 2014



Finger power:
3: 听力练习,2 or 3 note chord. Pass
4: New.

Sight reading 43, 45-47

Fingering, count beat. Slow tempo practice. Grace note softer. 结尾Wrist 太僵硬,up down motion,呼吸,quiet. 3rd beat thumb quiet. LH 琶音moving fast. 呼吸。tempo 8th=100.

Sonatina: 起始呼吸. 熟悉手位,chord 练习:上行下行chord。结尾1-4-2-3 fingering。

Monday, April 14, 2014


Finger power:
2: pass
3: RH keep softer, 触键点低些,贴键弹。3-5遍分手练。

Sight reading: 36,37-40
Count beat, rest.

German dance: pinkie 刮音。pass

Follow the leader:
Ending slow down. Slur second note softer. Big contrast. Forte 要keep, 不要变弱。pass.

Beyer 81: music shape wrist rotation on the dotted quart note TP. Middle part wrist rotation from finger 4 to thumb and accent on thumb.

Romanza: 要有节奏感:strong weak weak.

Monday, April 7, 2014


Finger power
1: pass.
2: 前三天先分手练。

Sight reading : 31, 33-36.

Beyer 80: left hand 2,3 beat too loud. Grace note 更轻快些。pass.

German dance: 注意strong-weak-weak. Open elbow. Two same note, second need softer. Legato 更抒情些,wrist rotation. TP.

Follow the leader: two notes slur second note softer.