Monday, September 30, 2013


Finger power
13: finger curve. 下行RH thumb need softer.
14 slow tempo lift up each finger. No finger 4. Need separate hand.

Sight reading

Beyer 76: tempo stable. Pinkie need stronger, chord top melody 5 times. Dynamics change, 不要太平淡。target practice.

A little piece: 大跨度wrist need relax,力量滑动. Pass.

Minuet: use arm rotation. Tempo , elegant.

Monday, September 23, 2013

9/23/2013 Annabel Piano Monday 6:36pm

9/23/2013 Annabel Piano Monday 6:36pm

Finger Power. 6 minutes
12. 1-3, 2-4, 3-5 3rd finger need curve; passed
13. To show up melody, with weaker left hand pinkie and weak notes
Need improve wrist rotation to smoother melody for next week

Sight reading 4 minutes
40. Passed
41-48 next week

Beyer 4 minutes
75. Left hand louder to answer right hand melody
Last measure, left hand melody need to be controlled well
76 next week 3 minutes
Measure 10,
Melody on right hand only, left hand weaker

Minuet. 13 minutes
1st part, need dynamic and notes with confidence
Measure 8. Left hand need stronger
2nd part repeat do not lag with gap
Last measure, all 3 left hand notes need to be clear
Singing right hand play 1st note every 2 measures or more
Memorize: 1st part passed
Next week: continue memorize 2nd part as well
Little dance, elegant and beautiful

A little piece 8 minutes
Memorized, 3 melodies
Ending with Rita, Homonym: left hand and right hand
Measure 8
Wrist NO Over rotation
And to make long phrase to make music moved

Theory 5 minutes
Section 4, one mistake 4 level not 5 level lower, need correction
Test on half cadence, ophentic Passed
A major, and F major, b flat major etc. how many sharp and flat?
Homonic minor, raised 7 levels. Page 18
Next week: review

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Monday, September 16, 2013

9/16/2013 Annabel Piano Monday 6:35pm ~

9/16/2013 Annabel Piano Monday 6:35pm ~

Finger Power
12. Wrist rotation
Tempo 72: good
Tempo 92: 3rd finger curve need improve.
<- practice 92 for next week as well
13. Rotation étude
Repeated notes need to be soft
Thumb note need to be soft

Sight reading
29. Memorized
33~40: next week
Note: always singing out and count beats

Melody: right <-> left hands
Last measure, left hand 4th finger note to be softer, no accent

Melody lines: right hand and left hand: polyphonic (this minuet) & homophonic (sonatina for 2013 us music competition)
Strong weak weak
Thumb too strong on 20-21
Piano on 25
No C sharp on 30
5x left and right singing out
Final Tempo: 108
Memorize (left hand polyphonic)

A Little piece
Left hand Thumb need to be softer starting from 2nd line
Left hand: 2nd & 4th notes weak
Practice left hand singing out right hand melody
Right hand a
Left hand b 543 fingers
Left hand c all thumb notes

Primary chord: 1st level, 4th level, 5th level Dominator tonic
Play D major 2nd dominator. 1st chord f sharp forgot on the theory book
Double check on piano
Play F major primary chords
Next week: cadence
No 4. 3 Combination resuls and different with first 3 questions
Check (1) Key signature; (2) count up always, never count down

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Monday, September 9, 2013


Finger power:
11: top pinkie 2/3. New lesson 12. Three fingerings.

Sight reading: 22,25-32

Beyer 74: first note sweet, 要准备好,控制好音量。pass.

A little piece: fingering LH chord 1-4, not 1-3. Singing out, 头音尾音要轻。LH two voicing. Tempo reach 60-80.

Minuet: fingering. Relax 手腕,8度提前准备。measure 17, 衔接处elbow要打开。

Monday, September 2, 2013


Finger power 10: 重音处要放松手腕,curve finger 2.
Lesson 11: 手腕放松,拍皮球。pinkie louder than thumb, press harder on pinkie.

Sight reading : 14.

Theory : remember to double check, and play on piano.

Beyer 74: 大拇指太重。

Melody for the left hand: chord 的语气,渐弱。pass.

Funny event: pass.

Next week level two.